VCRC - Madurai, Tamil Nadu


Madurai, Tamil Nadu

HomeAbout Us Field StationsMadurai, Tamil Nadu
HomeAbout Us Field StationsMadurai, Tamil Nadu
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ICMR-VCRC Field Station, Madurai, Tamil Nadu

Office In Charge: Dr R. Paramasivan, Scientist-F

  • The ICMR-VCRC field station, Madurai (formerly known as ICMR-Centre for Research in Medical Entomology, Madurai) was established during 1985 and throughout its successful carrier undertaken extensive work on various aspects of vectors and vector borne diseases in the country. It had significantly contributed in understanding Mosquito biodiversity in the Western Ghats, the Eastern Ghats, Mangrove forest, Assam, Andaman & Nicobar areas. The field station (FS) had described five new mosquito species.
  • A total of 242 species and 92,166 of mosquito specimens are maintained at the mosquito museum of the Field station. The significant contribution of the FS in incriminating Ochlerotatus niveus (Aedes niveus) as a vector of sub-periodic bacroftian filariasis in Andaman & Nicobar Islands is noteworthy.
  • JE Surveillance network was established in Tamil Nadu to monitor JE virus activity using desiccated and dried vectors. The isolation methodology of JE virus from mosquito larvae and humans and by using Toxorhynchites splendens mosquitoes by immunofluorescence assay (Toxo- IFA system) was standardized in place of suckling mice. In the rice ecosystem, enhancement of the oviposition of JE vectors by the use of urea was established.
  • With its significant contribution in Lymphatic filariasis, the FS demonstrated that the children<5 years had higher antigenaemia clearance when compared to minimal change in youth after a single- dose combination therapy (MDA with DEC+ albendazole). The combination therapy of DEC+albandazole for filariasis resulted in enhanced efficacy against geohelminths and the magnitude of infestation remained at a significantly low level for about a year after the intervention was successfully demonstrated.
  • Methodology for detection and serotyping of dengue viruses from desiccated and dried field caught Aedes vectors using Toxo-IFA system has been standardised.
  • The field station had successfully conducted many National and International conferences and workshops on the emerging vistas of vector borne diseases such as 1st , 2nd and 3rd Asian Bio-safety training course executive report on Asian centre for training in biosafety assessment for human health and environment using genetically modified vectors during June 15 – 26, 2009, February 22 – March 5, 2010) & October 18-29, 2010 respectively.
  • The field station has been regularly conducting training programmes for research scholars, state government health personnel’s and international researchers on taxonomy of mosquitoes, ticks, mites etc., for its credit.
  • The field station has submitted two innovative products for vector pathogen interaction application and control for patent at the ICMR Head Quarters, New Delhi


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Contact details

ICMR-Vector Control Research Centre,
Field Station, 4, Sarojini street,
Chinna Chokkikulam, Madurai-625 002.
Tamil Nadu. India
Nodal Officer: Dr. S. Poopathi, Scientist-G
Officer-in-Charge: Dr. R. Paramasivan, Scientist-F

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